Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ultra Magnus

Guess what I got in the mail a little while ago? What with all the sightings today I thought it was a good time to post my blog about the one and only Animated Ultra Magnus. I got mine about a week ago thanks to, an underrated tool. So how is the big guy? Well, read on...

Ultra Magnus is an awesome toy. However, I almost ended up hating him. Why? Well, before I get on with the rest of my review I have to mention what is wrong with MY Magnus, personally. He's got a sound effect in vehicle mode that's pretty annoying, but the problem is that on my figure the button is stuck. When he's not in robot mode, it has the potential to play non stop. In fact, in happens to play evey move I make in his Transformation. It's reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally annoying. I just needed to mention that in case anyone else has this problem. Beware Magnus buyers! I'm sure it's just my figure but something that is out there. If anyone has a fix, let me know. Now, onto the rest of the review-

Vehicle mode- Magnus' vehicle is pretty cool, very tough looking. It's incredibly well armed, to boot. Like, incredibly. Two giant cannons, guns that pop out of his cannons, two gattling guns in the bumper, and two sets of three barreled cannons on hte front of the vehicle. Add that to his armor he looks like he could drive into Con territory and take them all out himself. It carries on to robot mode as well. The only two things negative about the vehicle mode are this. The two flaps on the rear of his vehicle mode don't go flush, and thus he's got a wierd slanty thing going on back there. It looks wierd. I mean, at least the lights are angled so it fits, but I still think it looks wierd. The other negative also has to do with his look, and that's the ambiguity of the vehicle mode. What is it? A carrier? A truck? It's blocky in the front and curved in the back. It's not a huge complaint, but it does stick out in my opinion. As you can see, neither of those two things are big at all, so Magnus' vehicle mode is pretty damn awesome. It's really well detailed, including the bolts on the front of the cab, which I love. Hammer storage is a little weak, but you can even hold an Autobot on him if you pose the cannons back. His vehicle mode isn't as perfect as Megatron's, but it's still really really nice. Big, bulky and tough, like him.

Transformation- Here's where Magnus comes ahead of Megs. It's kinda complicated, bu its much more thorough and you feel like you're getting more for you money then Megs' simple one. The wheels fold in and make his legs thick and stable. It's innovative, and I just love the transformation. There's one huge problem, but it might just be my figure in particular. His front end of his cab become his shoulders and the fold up on hinges. But with mine, the hinges are so tight that I have to wrestle the hell out of them. I feel like I'm gonna rip his complex arm hinges apart, and the ones on my Magnus already feel a little weak. So, that makes me a little nervous. Transform with care.

Robot mode- Man does this design look amazing. I love it, it's so imposing and tough. It's incredibly show accurate too, a feat that never ceases to amaze me with these animated toys. He's got great contours and details, and despite being very regal and top heavy, his slick and wide legs keep him stable no matter what poses you put him in. Which leads me to my next point, he's very articulated. You can hit a lot of cool poses with Magnus. This leads me to the ONLY negative of his robot mode. I mean, sure, his wide shoulders interfere with arm posing a little bit but that's not nearly as distracting or bothersome to me as this. When you pose his arms upwards, the shoulders, leave their sockets. He can have his shoulders straight on, and then up one click, but after that it just looks wierd. His shoulders leave their sockets!!! I mean, come on! But then, if you think about it, it was probably a design thing that need to get done in order to make him as show accurate as he is. Oh well. Magnus is also incredibly well armed, as ALL his weapons from vehicle mode. And of course, let's not forget...THE HAMMER OF DOOM! Yes, it's here folks, and it's awesome. The handle is not as long as it should be, but minor complaunt. He's got a freaking hammer!!!

Negatives- Wierd flaps in vehicle mode
Ambiguous vehicle mode
Shoulders in robot mode

Positives- Tough looking vehicle mode
Badass looking robot mode, tough and regal looking
Tons of weaponry
Posability and detailing
He's awesome

Basically, Ultra Magnus is an awesome figure, and a definate must buy. He's great. Go out and buy him now!

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