Friday, September 12, 2008



Yes, as everyone probably realized (though I doubt anyone cared, ;)) Decepticast was no more. That's ok, because it just wasn't working. Writing and recording the podcast became such a huge task for me to do, and the listener-quota wasn't supporting it. Besides, I got killed by the competition, as such high profile sites such as Tformers and TFW2005 started their casts right after mine went down for re-tooling. Thats ok, easy come easy go. Besides, all of those podcasts have multiple people shooting off and bouncing ideas around, and mine only had my stupid voice. Not to mention that I was so afraid of popping Ps and other technical glitches I was bound to a pretty rigid delivery, not letting my natural comedy flow. Well, here's a blog, where I can write everything I want and anything I want and still be funny. Hopefully.

So I've revitalized the blog, and am going to focus all my attentions, reviews, comments, and other shenanigans right here. I hope everyone enjoys this blog and joins me week after week, day after day for Transformers fun.

Enough talk!

Transform and Rise UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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